The commission is to sculpt low relief panels for the walls and ceilings of a private house. I am working with Brendan Lakin who does all the marvelous painting. The guiding reference for the downstairs of the house was a roman villa ala Pompeii, hence the naive and subtle low relief forms.
The designs express abundance, serenity and sumptuous natural environments. Featuring the Tree of Life amongst verdant gardens with wild birds and beautiful insects. While natural elements stray out of sylized forms into realistic growth, the bird and insect life are depicted in motion, lending a surreal quality to the project.
I paid particular attention to texture in all the panels, bringing a highly tactile element to the detail. Each artwork is sculpted in clay, moulded and then cast in Forton MG, a reinforced polymer based gypsum that is archival, chip-proof and waterproof.