Lost Toy Story, Hurstville streets for Shopfront Theatre

Commissioned by Shopfront Theatre

Lost Toy Story was a street festival in Hurstville involving sculpture, installation, film, interactive theatre, and music, for which I created eight public art works

Found Toys by Kassandra Bossell 2008 Fluoro perspex
Found Toys,  2008,  Fluoro perspex
Scottish Terrier by Kassandra Bossell 2008 Bamboo, fabrics 3 x 1.5 x 2m
Scottish Terrier,  2008,  Bamboo, fabrics,  3 x 1.5 x 2m
Scottish Terrier off Ozco web copy
Lost Toy by Kassandra Bossell 2008 Fluoro perspex
Lost Toy,  2008,  Fluoro perspex
"I can't stand that music!" by Kassandra Bossell 2008 Chicken wire, fleuro paint installation view
"I can't stand that music!",  2008,  Chicken wire, fleuro paint,  installation view
Mr and Mrs Potato Head by Kassandra Bossell 2008 Bamboo, fabrics installation view
Mr and Mrs Potato Head,  2008,  Bamboo, fabrics,  installation view