The Carbon Cycle

The carbon cycle is the biogeochemical cycle by which carbon is exchanged among the biosphere, pedosphere, geosphere, hydrosphere, and atmosphere.

Along with the nitrogen cycle and the water cycle, the carbon cycle comprises a sequence of events that are key to making the Earth capable of sustaining life; it describes the movement of carbon as it is recycled and reused throughout the biosphere.

Carbon Cycle Microorganisms by Kassandra Bossell 2014
Carbon Cycle Microorganisms,  2014

This series interrogates the carbon economy, tipping points, organic and micro patterns shared in different life forms.

Nets Leaf Net by Kassandra Bossell 2014 wax, wood and carbon 30cm diameter
Nets Leaf Net,  2014,  wax, wood and carbon,  30cm diameter
Nets First Net by Kassandra Bossell 2014 wax, wood and carbon 2cm diameter,
Nets First Net,  2014,  wax, wood and carbon,  2cm diameter,
Guardian Jelutong by Kassandra Bossell 2014 wax, wood and carbon  55cm diameter
Guardian Jelutong,  2014,  wax, wood and carbon,   55cm diameter

It addresses the fragility and resilience of natural environments and our inter-dependence as life forms, exploring the paradox of nature through reflection, opacity and transparency.

Carbon Cycle The Fall by Kassandra Bossell 2014 wax, wood and carbon  117cm diameter
Carbon Cycle The Fall,  2014,  wax, wood and carbon,   117cm diameter
Carbon Cycle Constellation by Kassandra Bossell 2014 wax, wood and carbon  70 x 60 x 4cm
Carbon Cycle Constellation,  2014,  wax, wood and carbon,   70 x 60 x 4cm
Carbon Cycle Mirror Mirror  by Kassandra Bossell 2014 wax, wood and carbon 49 x 50cm
Carbon Cycle Mirror Mirror ,  2014,  wax, wood and carbon,  49 x 50cm
Nets Star Net by Kassandra Bossell 2014 wax, wood and carbon 30cm diameter,
Nets Star Net,  2014,  wax, wood and carbon,  30cm diameter,
Nets Net of Desire by Kassandra Bossell 2014 wax, wood and carbon 30cm diameter
Nets Net of Desire,  2014,  wax, wood and carbon,  30cm diameter
Guardian Tree of Life - Cambodia by Kassandra Bossell 2014 wax, wood and carbon 41cm diameter
Guardian Tree of Life - Cambodia,  2014,  wax, wood and carbon,  41cm diameter

Flame and wax are deliberately used to present a visual discussion reflecting on the global polemic around carbon and oil, from which wax is a bi-product.

Archive (Web) by Kassandra Bossell 2014 wax 41 x 26cm
Archive (Web),  2014,  wax,  41 x 26cm
Archive (Hydrosphere) by Kassandra Bossell 2014 wax and marble dust 41 x 26cm
Archive (Hydrosphere),  2014,  wax and marble dust,  41 x 26cm
Archive (Atmosphere),2014, 41 x 26cm, wax
Archive (Biosphere) by Kassandra Bossell 2014 wax and marble dust 41 x 26cm
Archive (Biosphere),  2014,  wax and marble dust,  41 x 26cm

Can we consciously pressurize our evolution, to evolve faster? To move quickly towards a more respectful relationship towards other life forms and the planet itself?

Instruments Pacific Ocean Currents by Kassandra Bossell 2014 wax, wood and carbon 50 x 15cm
Instruments Pacific Ocean Currents,  2014,  wax, wood and carbon,  50 x 15cm
Instruments Oxygen by Kassandra Bossell  2014 wax, wood and carbon 50 x 15cm
Instruments Oxygen,   2014,  wax, wood and carbon,  50 x 15cm
Instruments Galaxy by Kassandra Bossell 2014 wax, wood and carbon 50 x 15cm
Instruments Galaxy,  2014,  wax, wood and carbon,  50 x 15cm
Carbon Cycle Mirror Mirror  by Kassandra Bossell 2014 wax, wood and carbon 49 x 50cm
Carbon Cycle Mirror Mirror ,  2014,  wax, wood and carbon,  49 x 50cm
Carbon Cycle Petrie Dish by Kassandra Bossell 2014
Carbon Cycle Petrie Dish,  2014
Carbon Cycle Mirror Mirror 2 by Kassandra Bossell 2014 wax, wood and carbon 46 x 40cm
Carbon Cycle Mirror Mirror 2,  2014,  wax, wood and carbon,  46 x 40cm
Carbon Cycle Angophora Dream by Kassandra Bossell
Carbon Cycle Angophora Dream
Guardian Eucalypt - Aust by Kassandra Bossell 2014 wax, wood and carbon 23 x 109cm
Guardian Eucalypt - Aust,  2014,  wax, wood and carbon,  23 x 109cm
Guardian Wat - Cambodia by Kassandra Bossell 2014 wax, wood and carbon 80 x 34cm
Guardian Wat - Cambodia,  2014,  wax, wood and carbon,  80 x 34cm
Guardian Birch (Germany) by Kassandra Bossell 2014 wax, wood and carbon 22 x 64cm
Guardian Birch (Germany),  2014,  wax, wood and carbon,  22 x 64cm
Carbon Cycle Journey of Assylm by Kassandra Bossell 2014 wax, wood and carbon approx 20 x 85cm
Carbon Cycle Journey of Assylm,  2014,  wax, wood and carbon,  approx 20 x 85cm
Nets Breathing net by Kassandra Bossell 2014 wax, wood and carbon 30cm diameter
Nets Breathing net,  2014,  wax, wood and carbon,  30cm diameter